Friday, January 30, 2009


is it just me, or are you different?

i know you cannot become who we expect u to be

and our expectations have failed us, not you...

nevertheless, the feelings and emotions are genuine

the loser can't tell you how she feels, so please forgive that we fail to be understanding enough when you most needed



my 1 and 2 halves

while somethings maybe beyond our control, all things happen for a reason.

he made me realised that everyone has a story to tell...

she makes a good companion and is there for me all the time...

last but not least, he helped me to look at things positively and realised that things are not as bad as it seemed...

you'll learn that you've gained more than you think you have if you can just open your mind. so what if your brain falls out, at least you can take break from thinking...

well before i forget

moomoo moo moo moomoomoomoo!!!


Every end is a new beginning

Sunday, January 25, 2009

communicating with her...

did i not try hard enough or am i not trying at all...

what is so difficult about it?

the worse thing is the realisation that it has gotten harder throughout the years.

is it time to move on?

Friday, January 23, 2009


i love the limited edition...


my sister ask me why i so bo liao...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

time of the year...

we're going to see daddy again...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



piglet's oink

woke up on sunday morning and tried to speak...



CNY songs!!!


but I just can't help swinging and singing along...

i'm must be really sick

new year resolution(s)

since everyone's talking about having new year resolution, so, why not...

eat healthy

sleep early

exercise weekly

complain less

be even more positive

give constructive comments, be less critical

be even more appreciative of people around me

go greener

put on weight

eat more veges (contradicts with being green in a way, but what the heck)

start a business; be my own boss (long term plan, not that i dislike my current job, but it's something i want)


Monday, January 5, 2009

tsk tsk tsk...

so many lizards...

one of these days, i'm going to step on one of them...


Saturday, January 3, 2009

comes with age

people change...

my leave

2 weeks down to 2 days