Tuesday, August 12, 2008

coming with age...

less mindful of how others look at or think about me

bolder with your words, definitely thicker skin

stop beating around the bush

probably have fewer acquaintance but more friends

need more sleep

prefer warm drinks to cold

stay at home more

weaker immune system

start liking food like 'dao gua', 'dao pok', 'dao kee', etc.

appreciate the people around me more

feels like I have less than 24hrs a day, and constantly need more time

want to look for partners who can provide a sense of security (emotionally, financially.. in almost every aspect), looks are probably still important for that first impression, but fades after that initial stage.

immaturity annoys me

bimbotic songs are for comic relief; tend to like songs with lyrics that I can relate to

probably don't care whether the person reading my blog now agrees with what i've written so far

but... i still love piglet!!


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